A Sum Part I- Easter

So so much time has past since our last blog post, I apologize! Since then we've had a full semester of school, a visit by Scott's parents (the lovely Lisa and Dave Stiles), Easter, a week off of school, the start of a new semester, a visit from my brother and sister-in-law (Tait and Liz Holbrook), and so many exciting things! To set the record straight it is Scott's turn to blog and it is really hard to motivate boys (or at least him) to want to write in any type of 'journal' even if it is online for the benefit of friends a family. So I decided to do Part I of 'a sum' of the last five months. 

This section is strictly dedicated to our awesome Easter celebration! We spent that weekend at my brother's family's home (Burke and Nancy Holbrook).
 Before going to their house in Manoa me and Scottie colored eggs! 

Since we didn't really have Easter Baskets, or new Easter outfits, as was tradition in my family, this was one of the only 'traditional' things we did this year. 
 However, not pictured, Scottie also hid some plastic eggs around the house filled with Starburst jellybeans (the best Easter treat). 

At Burke and Nancy's we got to help play 'Easter Bunny', and to prepare some of the great food that was dinner on Sunday for a party at their house. 
Here is Burke (and Scottie) making the delicious rotisserie lamb!

The lamb.  

Rotisserie chicken, sausages, and stuffed grape leaves. 

Goat cheese and asparagus on ciabatta bread, ala Mom Holbrook.

The spread. 

After dinner we had an Easter egg hunt with all of the many many kids. We actually had three Easter egg hunts. After the first we realized that we had forgotten about half of the candy filled eggs!! 

It was super cute to try and catch photos of the kids running around the idyllic picket fence yard. 

Here is Sequoyah with his loot!

As you can tell, there was lots of tears and tantrums. 

Although these pictures turned out a little funky, these three little girls kind of stole the show. 

The second hunt was reserved as an 'adult only' hunt. Me and Scott were the youngest members allowed in. Thanks guys!

And here is a picture of Scottie enjoying the fruit of our success. 
I will have to catch up with you guys more later!
PS Sorry about the vast amount of pictures, I have been trying to work on my photography skills!

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1 comment:

  1. I love all your pictures! And I love that you have family in Hawaii to have fun with, and that you were both included in the "adult" egg hunt! Did they let you sit at the grown-up table too? Can't wait to see you in a few days!


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