So Scott has been out here in Austin (well technically Round Rock) Texas for about three months, and I've been here for a month now. It is HOT. For example, today it was 106, and on Saturday it will be 109! UGH! I always complain about the 8 months of winter we have in Heber but this is crazy!
Anyways- Our Schedules. (Very exciting update, I know)
I stay at our apartment and do a few online classes. I've been known to lay out and read textbooks at the pool, take midday naps, and complete one quilt and two skirts so far. I am becoming the ultimate housewife with all this time. I clean, I sew, I craft, I even cook. And let me say that I am becoming quite the cook- although a huge shout out has to go to the fabulous recipes I have, namely those from: Lisa Stiles, Aunt Laur, Aunt Kelly, Nana, the Martha Stuart cookbook Lisa gave me from Christmas, and the cookbook Karen Wall (Shayla's mom) gave me when I graduate high school. Family cookbooks are the best!
Scott's schedule is a bit more impressive. He works. He works Monday-Saturday from about 12-10 selling security systems with Vivint in his cute bright orange shirt. We do activities (or just watch Psych) in the morning, then he goes to work and comes home at night exhausted and dehydrated and we eat dinner and watch some more Psych.
Future- We are moving to Hawaii soon! I am so excited! I get to meet couples that are our age and go to school and play at the beach and live in a tiny cramped overpriced apartment with bugs and only a partial kitchen! But seriously. We are so so excited! We are looking for apartments currently and having a bit of trouble (the first house didn't know if they were really moving and the second had an awful landlord). And school- aghhhh!
So I changed my major. Just last night. I know, I know, I know- I've told you all I'm going into "Social Science Education" but now I am a HISTORY MAJOR! Pretty exciting stuff, right? This may or may not be my third major switch since I started college (dance-social science education- history) but this one will stick! Mostly becuase I only have two more semesters of classes and then I am goilng to do pre requisites for Physical Therapy school (crossing my fingers). But they just kept adding on classes to my other one, two more years is when I would graduate with SSE, what?!?!

Well, now I'm frustrated at the school system again with that thought but here are some pictures of our cute apartment in Round Rock to all my faithfull "Followers".

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